Adhearsion Survey Results
A few weeks ago we put together a survey to gather data on how Adhearsion is being used in the wild, and what factors are important to the people and projects using it. This survey closed on Friday...
View ArticleBringing Rayo to Reality
We first started talking publicly about Rayo at AdhearsionConf 2011, at the same time as we were talking about building the then-new Adhearsion 2.0. Rayo was announced as a 3PCC (third-party call...
View ArticleUsing Telephony Dev Box
Using Vagrant For Telephony Development Environments Intro to Vagrant Vagrant is a wonderful Open Source tool that automates downloading a base OS virtual image, setting it up for what you need, and...
View ArticleState Machines in Your Applications
As an application developer for Mojo Lingo, I've had the opportunity to work on many telephony applications in various stages: from an idealistic idea to complete mess of code. One of the most useful...
View ArticleIntroducing Sippy Cup: SIPp Load Testing Made Easy
Recently the Mojo Lingo team has done a lot of work to improve the performance of Adhearsion, both internally to the project as well as when used in applications for some of our clients. The best way...
View ArticleAdhearsion 2.4 is here! FreeSWITCH! Rayo! JRuby! Speed!
This is a big week for the Adhearsion community. We're announcing a total of three new releases: Adhearsion 2.4.0, Punchblock 2.0.0 (our abstraction layer) and Matrioska 0.1.0 (our in-call apps...
View ArticleWhy You Should Care About WebRTC
WebRTC is the wind of change Mojo Lingo has had the fortune to work on some pretty interesting WebRTC projects early on. These projects were all very much proof-of-concept, and they were almost always...
View ArticleAdhearsion
We made some noise last week about how the release of Adhearsion 2.4 brought greater engine portability and how this was a good thing for your applications, but what did we mean? Well, FreeSWITCH...
View ArticleWelcome to the Real-Time Communications World
Just a few weeks ago we successfully wrapped up the fourth, and as it turns out final, AdhearsionConf. The beginning of AdhearsionConf coincided with my joining the Adhearsion project. We wanted a...
View Article2013 AdhearsionConf Recap
A huge thank you for the over 50 attendees, speakers and sponsors who made the 4th AdhearsionConf a great success. During two amazing days, we were treated to exceptional presentations, inspired...
View ArticleSurveying Adhearsion Usage
It's been approximately 7 months since we last surveyed the Adhearsion community about how and where Adhearsion is being used, and users' priorities for the project. Since that time, much has changed....
View ArticleVoice apps in the real world
In my previous blog post I went through getting started with the Telephony Dev Box. However, most real-world apps are more than simply a telephony engine and Adhearsion. This post picks up where that...
View ArticleAdhearsion 2.5 is Here!
Today the Adhearsion core team would like to announce the release of Adhearsion 2.5.0, the latest feature release in the Adhearsion 2 series, which includes a selection of new features: Allow stopping...
View ArticleA conversation on browser-based speech recognition
About a month ago, I got into a brief Twitter conversation with the brilliant fellow who wrote Annyang, Tal Ater. Twitter sadly does not do a great job of threading the conversation, but there were...
View ArticlePutting the Can in CanCan
Continuing work on our favorite Rails authorization library As many of you have read, I am announcing the CanCanCan project, a continuation of the popular Rails gem CanCan. This effort is a...
View ArticleAdhearsion Survey Results v2
In January, we put together the second round of the Adhearsion Community Survey to gather data on how Adhearsion is being used in the wild, and what factors are important to the people and projects...
View ArticleTADHack 2014 Madrid in Review
I've now been home from Madrid for a couple of days and have had a chance to reflect on TADHack 2014. TADHack was a must-see event for Mojo Lingo this year, and the reason is simple: it's the only...
View ArticleVoice Application Case Study: RingRx
RingRx is a cloud based communication tool that helps doctors easily communicate with their patients. The tool was created to solve common challenges with live answering services: Cost – Live answering...
View ArticleWalking the Walk: Build an Integrated Real-Time Communications Application
For the past 18 months, nearly every one of my public presentations about Real-Time Communications Applications has talked about the value of integrating the communications facilities with the business...
View ArticleBuilding a chat app – Reinventing the wheel?
Should we Build or Buy? Team-based chat apps are so en vogue right now. There are numerous established players such as the popular Hipchat, exciting new-comer Slack, the venerable Campfire and the...
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